For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
There are so many great opportunities to connect and help serve others in our church. We believe that one of the greatest ways we worship the Lord is through serving. Sign-up today!

Volunteer FAQ
We cannot even begin to tell you how happy we are that you are interested in volunteering.
We cannot do what we do without people like you. This is not just something we say – it is something
we honestly believe. We value volunteers and their ministry more than you will ever know.
We are not just looking for warm bodies. We are looking for empowered servants who are excited
to do ministry, not just perform tasks.
Jesus tells us in Mark 10:45 that “even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” Jesus teaches principles like the “last becoming first” and “dying to self.” These reflect an others-focused lifestyle and mind-set. We want the servant’s heart and attitude of Jesus to define what we do and how we act.
Our church works hard – especially during our weekend worship services – to create an open-house culture where guests and non-Christians are not only welcomed but are served with excellence. Beyond our weekend services are ministries that function behind the scenes to help encourage those in need
and to further the gospel. None of this is possible without amazing volunteers.
Remember that as you serve, you are serving people, not some faceless customer or random number. We are ministering to human beings who will spend eternity somewhere. We need to take the eternal perspective on our volunteering. What we do really does affect eternity.
We consider all our ministries to be important. Remember that your ministry is not the only ministry. Otherwise, you get a silo ministry approach where you only care about your ministry and your goals.
There are life cycles in each of our lives. Sometimes you need to step away. This may need to happen for your own protection; perhaps you are getting burned out. Maybe the ministry has changed and you are no longer the right fit; you may now be a better fit in a different ministry. That is not only okay, but it is more rewarding for you and those you serve.
These are some of the basic responsibilities, attitudes and actions of a volunteer.
Honor your schedule and your commitments. If you say you will be there, be there. If you sign up, show up. When you say you will serve for a season, honor that season.
Be on time. If your volunteer position starts at 9:00 a.m., you are late if you arrive at 8:55 a.m.
Be there early. Avoid running in at the last minute, or coming in just in time to get your coffee but then walking in late to your ministry.
Practice effective communication with your ministry partners. We know that people are busy. So even if it is quick or you say via email that you can’t write back right now, please respond to emails, voicemails, etc.
Submit to your ministry leader. This person is not always going to be right, but he or she is still the leader. When there are disagreements, they should be handled person-to-person with the leader. And when a decision is made, get behind the leader and champion that decision as if it were your own.
Ask for clear expectations. Although it is a leader’s job to communicate expectations, there will be times the leader does not do this as well as he or she should. Please ask the leader for clarity.
Our Church has new attendees every week. We were all new attendees at one point,
so serve with that in mind.
We cannot do what we do without people like you. This is not just something we say – it is something
we honestly believe. We value volunteers and their ministry more than you will ever know.
We are not just looking for warm bodies. We are looking for empowered servants who are excited
to do ministry, not just perform tasks.
Jesus tells us in Mark 10:45 that “even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” Jesus teaches principles like the “last becoming first” and “dying to self.” These reflect an others-focused lifestyle and mind-set. We want the servant’s heart and attitude of Jesus to define what we do and how we act.
Our church works hard – especially during our weekend worship services – to create an open-house culture where guests and non-Christians are not only welcomed but are served with excellence. Beyond our weekend services are ministries that function behind the scenes to help encourage those in need
and to further the gospel. None of this is possible without amazing volunteers.
Remember that as you serve, you are serving people, not some faceless customer or random number. We are ministering to human beings who will spend eternity somewhere. We need to take the eternal perspective on our volunteering. What we do really does affect eternity.
We consider all our ministries to be important. Remember that your ministry is not the only ministry. Otherwise, you get a silo ministry approach where you only care about your ministry and your goals.
There are life cycles in each of our lives. Sometimes you need to step away. This may need to happen for your own protection; perhaps you are getting burned out. Maybe the ministry has changed and you are no longer the right fit; you may now be a better fit in a different ministry. That is not only okay, but it is more rewarding for you and those you serve.
These are some of the basic responsibilities, attitudes and actions of a volunteer.
Honor your schedule and your commitments. If you say you will be there, be there. If you sign up, show up. When you say you will serve for a season, honor that season.
Be on time. If your volunteer position starts at 9:00 a.m., you are late if you arrive at 8:55 a.m.
Be there early. Avoid running in at the last minute, or coming in just in time to get your coffee but then walking in late to your ministry.
Practice effective communication with your ministry partners. We know that people are busy. So even if it is quick or you say via email that you can’t write back right now, please respond to emails, voicemails, etc.
Submit to your ministry leader. This person is not always going to be right, but he or she is still the leader. When there are disagreements, they should be handled person-to-person with the leader. And when a decision is made, get behind the leader and champion that decision as if it were your own.
Ask for clear expectations. Although it is a leader’s job to communicate expectations, there will be times the leader does not do this as well as he or she should. Please ask the leader for clarity.
Our Church has new attendees every week. We were all new attendees at one point,
so serve with that in mind.
How do I volunteer with children?
Each of our volunteers must go through an important application and background check process and be a part of the church for an appropriate length of time.