Welcome to Crossover Youth

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Welcome to the family. Crossover is for teens in 6th-12th grade. Here at Crossover we are a family that’s all about learning our purpose as people called by God! Through Jesus Christ we have crossed over from death to life. We believe that God has an amazing plan for your life and that together we can grow into the men and women God has called us to be. . We encourage you to check out our weekly Wednesday nights at 7!

Crossover Sundays 11am

Crossover meets  Sundays for Jr. High & High School students in the Extreme Building  and once every last Sunday of the month in the Sanctuary at our student section.  Get connected with us so we can keep you up to date on our ministry!

Crossover Wednesdays 7pm

Crossover meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. These nights are a time for students to connect with one another and most importantly, God!! Hear the word preached and engage in worship on these powerful nights!

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